How to Make Plarn and Crochet with It (Full Tutorial)

With Earth Day coming up, I want to share my favorite way of recycling plastic grocery bags – giving them new life by turning them into plarn (plastic yarn)! When COVID was in full swing, I was getting regular deliveries from my local grocery store. The plastic bags piled up fast! Once I got the point of having so many of them I didn’t know where to store them anymore, I knew it was time to start reusing and making stuff with them!
I know plastic bags have been banned in a lot of states in the US now, but here in Tennessee they’re still very prevalent. This tutorial will show you a great way to use plastic bags to crochet them into something awesome and new.
Making Plarn
Making plarn is super easy but there is a technique to it. There are actually a few different ways I’ve seen it made. The method I’ve shared with you here today is my favorite method and it’s a very easy process. You can make your strips different widths as well. I’ve seen people make and use wider strips and not so wide strips than what I show here.
The first step is to lay your bag out flat on a hard surface. I usually do 5-7 bags laid out on a flat surface at the same time and on my kitchen counter or at my dining room table. I use a hard ruler to measure the width of the strips and cut them into 2 inch strips, cutting through all 5-7 bags at a time. Then you’ll join each loop with an interlocking knot by placing the first strip with another strip overlapping each other to create a long strip or ‘strand’ to crochet with. You’ll continue adding loops, joining pieces with a small knot as you go, until you have a very long single strand to crochet with. You can wind your plarn into a ball of yarn to work with, but I prefer to pile it somewhat loosely into a large bag and with it from there. It’s a fascinating concept if you ask me!
As you’re creating the knots in your plarn, be sure to tighten your knots enough so that they’re about the same girth as your ‘strand’. I find that this trick keeps the knots hidden very well. I simply keep crocheting as usual over them and there were none that were noticeable on my project.
What do I Make with Plarn?
Some good plarn projects I’d recommend are:
- Market bags – This seems to be by far the most popular type of project to make with them. Taking disposable plastic shopping bags and turning them into reusable shopping bags is a great way to recycle and reuse. I made my first plarn bag using our free crochet pattern for the Margot Market Bag. I altered it slightly by leaving a few rows off so it wouldn’t be too big. I really want to make another one with red and white Target bags for the bottom of the bag and solid black bags for the top of the bag. I have almost enough bags to do so. I’ll be sure to share it with you when I tackle that!
- Coasters – This is a great project if you’re looking for something quick and easy to make. You’ll want to keep your stitches as tight as you can to try to keep liquid from seeping through. You may even want to consider adding a cork lining or something waterproof to the bottom.
- Place mats – Spruce up your dining room table with some fun place mats made from plarn! If you have small kids in your life, they might like some mini ones for tea parties.
- Pumpkins – This won’t create a soft pumpkin like with acrylic yarn but will still be super cute! I think red and white Target bags or solid black bags if you can find those would look awesome.
- Sleep mats for the homeless – This is a great way to give back to the community. Simply crochet a rectangle large enough to sleep on. I haven’t made one yet, but I think using the Thermal Stitch would be a good option to create a thicker fabric. These can be rolled up for easy storage/transport.
- Get creative! There are so many things that you can make with plarn. Look around your home and see if you can find your next plarn crochet project.
Check out Free Plarn (Plastic Yarn) Crochet Pattern Roundup for some fun and free plastic yarn crochet patterns.
Find the video tutorial of how I make my plarn and crochet with it below. Once you get started, it’s easy peasy, just like crocheting with normal yarn! Will you make your own plarn crochet project? Let us know in the comments below!
Happy crocheting!